exit VSP Elective Courses, Index

Course Materials for Elective Courses

by Vern S. Poythress

I am providing various course documents on line, which you are free to download. Let me remind you that these course materials are very much works in progress. They are tentative in nature, and subject to repeated alteration and improvement. Not everything in them represents settled views on my part.

You may use all the course materials under the GNU Free Documentation License. For details, you must read this license. Briefly, the license allows you to use and pass on both unaltered and altered files, provided that you give credit to the author and that you grant to others the same freedom given to you.

AP 693 Topics in Science and Apologetics

Materials .ODT (preferred) .RTF
Syllabus 693O.odt 693O.rtf
Bibliography 693B.odt 693B.rtf

NT 993 Hermeneutical Foundations

Materials .ODT (preferred) .RTF
Syllabus 993O.odt 993O.rtf
Bibliography 993B.odt 993B.rtf

OT: Moses

Materials .ODP (preferred) .PDF
All AllMosaic.odp.zip AllMosaic.pdf.zip
Christ in OT 5C1Chris.odp 5C1Chris.pdf
Tabernacle 5C2Tabrn.odp 5C2Tabrn.pdf
Tabernacle Furniture 5C3TabFr.odp 5C3TabFr.pdf
Law 5C6Law.odp 5C6Law.pdf
Intro to Leviticus 7C1Intro.odp 7C1Intro.pdf
Sacrifices 7C2Sacri.odp 7C2Sacri.pdf
Procedures for Sacrifices 7C3Proce.odp 7C3Proce.pdf
Priests 7C4Pries.odp 7C4Pries.pdf
Foods 7C5Foods.odp 7C5Foods.pdf
Contagion 7C6Conta.odp 7C6Conta.pdf
Atonement 7C7Atone.odp 7C7Atone.pdf
Purity 7C8Purit.odp 7C8Purit.pdf
Penalties 7C9Penal.odp 7C9Penal.pdf
Priestly Food 7C10PFoo.odp 7C10PFoo.pdf
Feasts 7C11Feas.odp 7C11Feas.pdf
Years 7C12Year.odp 7C12Year.pdf
Sanctions 7C13Sanc.odp 7C13Sanc.pdf

MAC: Genesis 1

Materials .ODP (preferred) .PDF
Intro to Genesis 1 GGen1Intro.odp GGen1Intro.pdf
Creation GCreatn.odp GCreatn.pdf
Creation and Science GCreSci.odp GCreSci.pdf

MAC: Revelation

Materials .ODP (preferred) .PDF
Interpreting Revelation 3C01Clarity.odp 3C01Clarity.pdf
Structure of Revelation 3C02Struc.odp 3C02Struc.pdf
Schools of Interpretation 3C03Schoo.odp 3C03Schoo.pdf
Theophany in Revelation 3C04Theop.odp 3C04Theop.pdf

ST223 Doctrine of Christ: Special Lecture on Redemptive History and the Covenant of Grace

Materials .ODP (preferred) .PDF
Redemptive Historical Interpretation TRedemptiveHistoricalInterpretation.odp TRedemptiveHistoricalInterpretation.pdf

ST343 Doctrine of the Church: Special Lecture on the Kingdom and the Church

Materials .ODT (preferred) .PDF .RTF
Kingdom and Church ST343VspKingdom.odt ST343VspKingdom.pdf ST343VspKingdom.rtf


The open document format (.odp and .odt) contains the latest unicode encoding of Greek and Hebrew. 

You can view open document files with OpenOffice or LibreOffice, which are available for free. LibreOffice will probably prove better in the long run. You can view pdf files using Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is probably already on your computer.

The Open Document formats are preferred, for the benefit of permanent public accessibility. For further discussion of the issues of accessibility, see my article on "Digital Ethics and File Formats."


Some files use Greek and Hebrew fonts. Others use special Roman alphabet fonts.  See my base page for access to these fonts.

by Dr. Vern S. Poythress
Westminster Theological Seminary
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
