Course Materials for Women's Weekend Seminary

by Vern Sheridan Poythress

Welcome to the Women's Weekend Seminary courses! The Women's Weekend Seminary, under the sponsorship of Lansdale Presbyterian Church, offers a condensed seminary curriculum for women. A full description can be found in a downloadable brochure.

I am providing various course documents online, which you are free to download. The materials written by me are very much works in progress. They are tentative in nature, and subject to repeated alteration and improvement. Not everything in them represents settled views on my part.


You may use all of the course materials produced by me (Vern Poythress) under the GNU Free Documentation License. For details, you must read this license. Briefly, the license allows you to use and pass on both unaltered and altered files, provided that you give credit to the author and that you grant to others the same freedom given to you.

In the case of materials produced by others, the copyright belongs to the author.

New Testament (Oct. 14 and 15, 2005)

Contents Writable files PDF files
All files in one .zip file
The Bible and Versions W11Bible.odp W11Bible.pdf
Translating W12Translating.odp W13Translating.pdf
Types of Translating W13Types.odp W13Types.pdf
Structure of Revelation W61Structure.odp W61Structure.pdf
Interpretation of Revelation W62Interpretation.odp W62Interpretation.pdf
Counterfeiting in Revelation W63Counterfeiting.odp W63Counterfeiting.pdf
Bible Study W71Simple.odp W71Simple.pdf
Typology W72Typology.odp W72Typology.pdf
Bibliography W01Bibliography.odt W01Bibliography.rtf

Dr. Dan McCartney has courteously provided a PDF file reproducing the slides for his lecture on the Gospels, given for the Women's Weekend Seminary at Westminster Theological Seminary, Oct. 15, 2005.

Systematic Theology (April 28 and 29, 2006)

"The Godly Wife" by Mrs. Jean Gaffin

Apologetics (Oct. 20 and 21, 2006)

The lectures on science are condensations from Vern S. Poythress, Redeeming Science: A God-Centered Approach (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2006).

Contents Writable files PDF files
Why Scientists Must Believe in God TV2Must.odp TV2Must.pdf
Days of Creation TV4aDaysOfCreation.odp TV4aDaysOfCreation.pdf

Old Testament (April 20-21, 2007)

The lectures on Christ in the Law of Moses are related to Vern S. Poythress, The Shadow of Christ in the Law of Moses (reprint; Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1995).

Contents Writable files PDF files
Christ in the Law of Moses 5W1Chris.odp 5W1Chris.pdf
Christ in the Tabernacle 5W2Tabrn.odp 5W2Tabrn.pdf
Christ in the Tabernacle Furniture 5W3TabFr.odp 5W3TabFr.pdf
Christ in the Law 5W6Law.odp 5W6Law.pdf

Child Rearing

One of the supplements for child-rearing comes from a church conference conducted by Dr. and Dr. Vern S. Poythress.

Contents Writable files PDF RTF
Child Rearing TChildRearing.odt TChildRearing.pdf TChildRearing.rtf


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The Open Document formats are preferred, for the benefit of permanent public accessibility. For further discussion of the issues of accessibility, see my article on "Digital Ethics and File Formats."

Some files use Greek and Hebrew fonts. Others use special Roman alphabet fonts. The open document format (.odp and .odt) contains the latest unicode encoding of Greek and Hebrew. See my base page for access to these fonts.

by Dr. Vern S. Poythress
Westminster Theological Seminary
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
