Special Lectures

and Sunday School Lessons

by Vern Sheridan Poythress

Below are files from various special lectures and lessons that I have presented over the years. Some of these come from presentations in adult Sunday School.

My family and I have been worshiping for years at Lansdale Presbyterian Church, in the Presbyterian Church in America. I am a teaching elder in the East Pennsylvania Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church in America. (For those not familiar with the differences, the Presbyterian Church in America is a major conservative denomination, committed to the authority of the Bible. It is to be distinguished from the Presbyterian Church USA, a mainline denomination with a mixed record concerning the Bible.) In the course of time I have taught a number of adult Sunday School classes. It is intended that I will gradually add to the material below. I have also taught from time to time at St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church (Anglican Mission in America).

Let me remind you that these materials are very much works in progress. They are tentative in nature, and subject to repeated alteration and improvement. Not everything in them represents settled views on my part.


You may use all the materials under the Creative Commons license BY-SA 4.0, or under the GNU Free Documentation License. For details, you must read this license. Briefly, the license allows you to use and pass on both unaltered and altered files, provided that you give credit to the author and that you grant to others the same freedom given to you.




Title Writable Files PDF or RTF File
Adam in Genesis PAdamGenesis.odp PAdamGenesis.pdf
Federal Representative PAdamRepresentative.odp PAdamRepresentative.pdf
Christ in the OT,
illustrated in Leviticus
PChristInLev.odp PChristInLev.pdf
Christ in Genesis: Intro PGenesis1Intro.odp PGenesis1Intro.pdf
Christ in Genesis: Summary 1 PGenesis1Intro.odt PGenesis1Intro.rtf
Christ in Genesis: Creation PGenesis2Creation.odp PGenesis2Creation.pdf
Christ in Genesis: Summary 2 PGenesis2Creation.odt PGenesis2Creation.rtf
Christ in Genesis: Man PGenesis3Man.odp PGenesis3Man.pdf
Christ in Genesis: Science PGenesis4Science.odp PGenesis4Science.pdf
Christ in Chronicles PChronicles.odp PChronicles.pdf
Christ in the Psalms PChristInPsalms.odp PChristInPsalms.pdf
Introduction to Psalms PPsalms.odp PPsalms.pdf
Christ in the Wisdom of Proverbs PProverbs.odp PProverbs.pdf
Christ in Ecclesiastes PWisdom.odp PWisdom.pdf
Introduction to Isaiah PIsaiah.odp PIsaiah.pdf
Daniel and the Last Days 3T3Daniel.odp 3T3Daniel.pdf
The Bible and Versions W11Bible.odp W11Bible.pdf
Translating W12Translating.odp W13Translating.pdf
Types of Translating W13Types.odp W13Types.pdf

The Church: In Chinese and English

Title Writable Files PDF or RTF File
The Trinitarian Basis for the Church TTrinitarianBasisForTheChurch.Bilingual.odp TTrinitarianBasisForTheChurch.Bilingual.pdf
The Church in the Time of Moses TChurchInTheTimeOfMoses.Bilingual.odp TChurchInTheTimeOfMoses.Bilingual.pdf
The Church in Hebrews TChurchInHebrews.Bilingual.odp TChurchInHebrews.Bilingual.pdf
Biblical Theology of Elders TBiblicalTheologyOfElders.Bilingual.odp TBiblicalTheologyOfElders.Bilingual.pdf
The Church in Revelation TChurchInRevelation.Bilingual.odp TChurchInRevelation.Bilingual.pdf

The Church: In English

Title Writable Files PDF or RTF File
The Trinitarian Basis for the Church TTrinitarianBasisForTheChurch.odp TTrinitarianBasisForTheChurch.pdf
The Church in the Time of Moses TChurchInTheTimeOfMoses.odp TChurchInTheTimeOfMoses.pdf
The Church in Hebrews TChurchInHebrews.odp TChurchInHebrews.pdf
Biblical Theology of Elders TBiblicalTheologyOfElders.odp TBiblicalTheologyOfElders.pdf
The Church in Revelation TChurchInRevelation.odp TChurchInRevelation.pdf

Creation and Genesis 1

Title Writable Files PDF or RTF File
Genesis 1-3: Introduction GGen1Intro.odp GGen1Intro.pdf
Creation GCreation.odp GCreation.pdf
Creation and Science (including days of creation) GCreSci.odp GCreSci.pdf


Title Writable Files PDF or RTF File
Election TElection.odp TElection.pdf
Summary on Election TElection.odt TElection.rtf
Historical Adam TVHistoricalAdam.odp TVHistoricalAdam.pdf
Inerrancy: Introduction TI01Inerrancy.odp TI01Inerrancy.pdf
Inerrancy: weekly outlines TInerrancy.odt.zip TInerrancy.rtf.zip
The Last Days 3T1LastDays.odp 3T1LastDays.pdf
Prophecy in Acts TProphecyHongKong.odp TProphecyHongKong.pdf
Second Blessing Theology TBaptismForHongKong.odp TBaptismForHongKong.pdf

Doing a Dissertation

The following files come from a special lecture for doctoral students at WTS.

Title Writable Files PDF or RTF File
All files
Doing a Dissertation (outline) TDissertation.odt TDissertation.pdf TDissertation.rtf
Doing a Dissertation (slides) TDissertation.odp TDissertationS.pdf


The following ideas are condensed from the book In the Beginning Was the Word: Language--A God-Centered Approach (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2009).

Title Writable Files PDF
All files Langodp.zip Langpdf.zip
Importance of Language 1L1Importance.odp 1L1Importance.pdf
Exploring Language 1L2Exploring.odp 1L2Exploring.pdf
God Creating 1L3Creating.odp 1L3Creating.pdf
Mankind 1L4Mankind.odp 1L4Mankind.pdf
Rules of Language 1L5Rules.odp 1L5Rules.pdf
The Fall 1L6Fall.odp 1L6Fall.pdf
God Producing the Bible 1L7Bible.odp 1L7Bible.pdf
Seeking Wisdom 1L8Wisdom.odp 1L8Wisdom.pdf
Cultures 1L9Cultures.odp 1L9Cultures.pdf
Bridging Languages 1L10Bridging.odp 1L10Bridging.pdf
Stories 1L11Stories.odp 1L11Stories.pdf
Words 1L12Words.odp 1L12Words.pdf

The Book of Revelation

Major themes of Revelation, chapter by chapter. For the seminary course NT 311 Revelation, see the listing under courses.

Title Writable Files PDF File Audio mp3 Audio ogg
All files Revelation.odp.zip Revelation.pdf.zip Revelation.mp3.zip Revelation.ogg.zip
Introduction 3U1Intro.odp 3U1Intro.pdf 3U1Intro.mp3 3U1Intro.ogg
Historical Setting 3U2Situa.odp 3U2Situa.pdf 3U2Situa.mp3 3U2Situa.ogg
Structure 3U3Struc.odp 3U3Struc.pdf 3U3Struc.mp3 3U3Struc.ogg
Theophany 3U4Theop.odp 3U4Theop.pdf 3U4Theop.mp3 3U4Theop.ogg
The Seven Seals 3U5Seals.odp 3U5Seals.pdf 3U5Seals.mp3 3U5Seals.ogg
The Seven Trumpets 3U6Trump.odp 3U6Trump.pdf 3U6Trump.mp3 3U6Trump.ogg
Counterfeiting 3U7Count.odp 3U7Count.pdf 3U7Count.mp3 3U7Count.ogg
The Beast 3U8Beast.odp 3U8Beast.pdf 3U8Beast.mp3 3U8Beast.ogg
The Prostitute 3U9Prost.odp 3U9Prost.pdf 3U9Prost.mp3 3U9Prost.ogg
The Millennium 3U10Mill.odp 3U10Mill.pdf 3U10Mill.mp3 3U10Mill.ogg
Revelation 20 3U11Rev20.odp 3U11Rev20.pdf 3U11Rev20.mp3 3U11Rev20.ogg
The Consummation 3U12Cons.odp 3U12Cons.pdf 3U12Cons.mp3 3U12Cons.ogg

Here are major themes of Revelation, discussed in a more topical arrangement.

Title Writable Files PDF File Audio mp3 Auido ogg
Introduction: Reading and Understanding 3T1Intro.odp 3T1Intro.pdf 3T1Understanding.mp3 3T1Understanding.ogg
Structure 3T2Struc.odp 3T2Struc.pdf 3T2Struc.mp3 3T2Struc.ogg
Counterfeiting 3T3Count.odp 3T3Count.pdf 3T3Count.mp3 3T3Count.ogg
The Beast 3T4Beast.odp 3T4Beast.pdf
Schools of Interpretation 3T5Schools.odp 3T5Schools.pdf
Theophany 3T6Theophany.odp 3T6Theophany.pdf
Millennium 3T7Millennium.odp 3T7Millennium.pdf 3T7Mille.mp3 3T7Mille.ogg

There is a television interview of Vern Poythress on the topic of Eschatology and the Book of Revelation, with host Paul Arthur, In Sight, The Miracle Channel, http://www.miraclechannel.ca. The download is 3.9GB, so you need a fast connection. See also Vern S. Poythress, The Returning King: A Guide to the Book of Revelation (Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 2000).


Most of the lessons on science are condensations from Vern S. Poythress, Redeeming Science: A God-Centered Approach (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2006). A few cover material not found in this book.

Title Writable Files PDF or RTF File
All files Science.odp.zip Science.pdf.zip
FoundationsHistoryOfScience TV1FoundationsHistoryOfScience.odp TV1FoundationsHistoryOfScience.pdf
Foundations of Scientific Law TV2Foundations.odp TV2Foundations.pdf
Days of Creation TV4aDaysOfCreation.odp TV4aDaysOfCreation.pdf
Role of Mankind TV5Man.odp TV5Man.pdf
Life TV7Life.odp TV7Life.pdf
Physical Displays TV8Physics.odp TV8Physics.pdf
Mathematics TV9Math.odp TV9Math.pdf
Genesis 1 TV1Genesis1.odp TV1Genesis1.pdf
Principles for Science TV2PrinciplesForScience.odp TV2PrinciplesForScience.pdf
God and Materialism TVMaterialism.odp TVMaterialism.pdf
Logic TVLogic.odp TVLogic.pdf
Science and Humanity TVScienceAndHumanity.odp TVScienceAndHumanity.pdf
Adam TVAdamViews.odp TVAdamViews.pdf
Living with Wisdom TV20LivingWithWisdom.odp TV20LivingWithWisdom.pdf
Design and Designer TV22DesignAndDesigner.odp TV22DesignAndDesigner.pdf
Design in Language TV22DesignInLanguage.odp TV22DesignInLanguage.pdf
Design in Miracles TV22DesignInMiracles.odp TV22DesignInMiracles.pdf

Below are some talks from the Westminster Conference on Science and Faith.

Title Writable Files PDF or RTF File
2018: Theistic Evolution: Questions to Ask TV2018QOnTheisticEvolution.odp TV2018QOnTheisticEvolution.pdf
2018: The Failure of Theistic Evolution in its Picture of God TV2018FailedPictureOfGod.odp TV2018FailedPictureOfGod.pdf
2018: The Factuality of Genesis 1-3 TV2018GenreOfGen1-3.odp TV2018GenreOfGen1-3.pdf

Below is a condensation that focuses on Christ's role as God and as man

Title Writable Files PDF or RTF File
Christ in Science: 1. Christ as Word TVChristInScience1.odp TVChristInScience1.pdf
Christ in Science: 2. Christ as Last Adam TVChristInScience2.odp TVChristInScience2.pdf


Title Writable Files PDF or RTF File
Theft 2005Theft.odp 2005Theft.pdf
Theft (outline) 2005TheftOutline.odt 2005TheftOutline.rtf


The Open Document formats (.odp and .odt) are preferred, for the benefit of permanent public accessibility. You can view open document files with OpenOffice or LibreOffice, which are available for free. LibreOffice will probably prove better in the long run. You can view the PDF files with Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is probably already on your computer. For further discussion of the issues of accessibility, see my article on "Digital Ethics and File Formats."


Some files use Greek and Hebrew fonts. Others use special Roman alphabet fonts.  See my base page for access to these fonts.

by Dr. Vern S. Poythress
Westminster Theological Seminary
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
